I've been formally recovering from codependency and narcissistic abuse for more than twenty years.  Whether you're new to recovery or have been on the path for a while, my hope is that my message serves to validate you and your experiences, while making clear the path to living your best life anchored in peace, confidence, freedom, and abundance!



How to Use The Gray Rock Method With a Narcissist

Jul 19, 2024

Knowing how to use the gray rock method with a narcissist can make all the difference in your mental health and overall well-being when going no contact is not an option.

The gray rock method can be...

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5 Things Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

Jul 12, 2024

Among all the other destructive things narcissists do, there are 5 things narcissists do when you go no contact, and finally implement the narcissist no contact rule for good.


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The Cruelest Form of Gaslighting

Jul 05, 2024

Here’s the thing…

Behaving poorly in any relationship, whether that be mean-spirited and toxic gossip, withholding behavior, or anything that would qualify as outright abuse, and then...

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5 Things Narcissists Deliberately Withhold To Torment You

Jun 28, 2024

There are 5 things that narcissistic people will deliberately withhold, not only to torment you, but also because the withholding of these five things  props up their false sense of...

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The TOP 10 Behaviors and Traits of The FEMALE Narcissist

Jun 21, 2024

Whether you’re dealing with a female narcissist in the workplace, or you’re trying to make sense of the female narcissist relationship cycle, and the female narcissist cheating patterns...

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When a Narcissist Realizes What They Lost (You!)

Jun 14, 2024

What can you expect when a narcissist realizes what they’ve lost by losing you?  

Some very predictable narcissistic tactics and a whole lot of narcissist manipulation.

When the...

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Only a SUPER EMPATH Can Destroy The Narcissist, Here’s How

Jun 07, 2024

Discover how to annihilate the over inflated ego of a narcissistic person simply by becoming a better, stronger, more empowered version of yourself.  

The Super Empath knows how to destroy...

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When a Narcissist Sees You as Too Strong, This Is What They’ll Do

May 31, 2024

What happens when a narcissist sees you as being too strong?  It depends on what kind of destructive narcissism you are dealing with.

For example, a covert narcissist will initially be...

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Covert Narcissists ALWAYS Do This One Predictable Thing

May 24, 2024

Covert narcissists always do this one predictable thing, no matter where they land on the spectrum of destructive covert narcissism.  

The reality, however, is the covert narcissist will...

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Narcissists’ 8 Favorite Catchphrases - Spot Them a MILE Away

May 17, 2024

In this video, I upack the narcissists’ 8 favorite catchphrases, so you can spot them a mile away, and take care of yourself accordingly.

The typical narcissist catchphrases are just another...

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