I've been formally recovering from codependency and narcissistic abuse for more than twenty years. Whether you're new to recovery or have been on the path for a while, my hope is that my message serves to validate you and your experiences, while making clear the path to living your best life anchored in peace, confidence, freedom, and abundance!
A scapegoat is a person who is blamed and shamed for other people’s wrongdoings, and quite undeservedly so.
Family scapegoating is a very common phenomenon in dysfunctional families, whereby...
What does it mean to be scapegoated in a dysfunctional family system?
The family scapegoat is the person who is blamed and shamed for other people’s wrongdoings, and quite undeservedly so.
Tamie M
Life Coach
Empowerment life coach specializing in codependency, destructive narcissism, and narcissistic abuse recovery. Helping people heal from painful family of origin and romantic relationship patterns so they can finally live their best life in peace, confidence, and freedom.
Learn what it REALLY takes to fully recover from codependency, narcissistic abuse, and family of origin dysfunction and trauma.
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seven mind games played by the narcissist to hurt you
The 5 shifts people all around the world are using to fully recover from codependency and narcissistic abuse and NEVER fall prey to emotional manipulation and psychological abuse EVER again!
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