Nov 18, 2019

It's been my experience that Life will often give us our greatest gifts disguised as our worst nightmare.

When I look back on some of the darkest and most painful periods of my Life...

They were, in reality, the times that shifted, healed, cleared and up-leveled me the most.


IF I could go back and talk to that girl in a fetal position, reeling from the pain of it ALL I would say this…


Relax.  Trust.  Resist not.  Fear not.  All is well.

They know not what they do.

ALL of THIS is for your highest good.

Through this, you will become who you were ALWAYS meant to be. 

BE still.  Let go.  Surrender and BE at Peace.

Life is multi-dimensional.  Karma is King.

Sooner or later, the Truth will be known…

By each and every one of them. 

Whether on this side of the veil or the other. 

They will know.  Count on it.  

And know this…

ALL the Divine and benevolent forces of the Universe… they got you, Girl!

Now get up and get to work!

We’ve got shit to do… people to impact… service to render… lives to change!

Let’s get moving… NOW!


It's True that Life can hurt with excruciating agony.  The 'refiner's fire' as we journey here on planet earth.

What's also True is we can use our painful experiences to not only heal, shift and up-level ourselves, but for massive impact for the greater good.

So learn to take the dark and the shit you've been through (or are going through now) and use it in service of others... the light... for good.

We are ALL spiritual alchemists IF we choose to be.

Turning shit into Gold is your Divine right.

Our world needs the light and the wisdom gleaned from your personal dark night of the Soul.


Do the work to heal that shit and put it to good use!!

With a heart full of massive Love,
~ Tamie M xx


#lightworkers  #knowyourvalue  #unlockyourfreedom

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