Jun 04, 2019

Close to fifteen years of recovery under my belt and the kind of nonsensical, dishonest, bullshit justifications and rationalizations narcissistic people can spew STILL shocks me at times!!


The BIG difference now being...

I don't get sucked in anymore.

I don't fall for it anymore.

It doesn't confuse me for more than a millisecond...

I see it for what it is with peace and clarity...



I don't get ANY of that shit on me... and...

I simply don't play... a.n.y.m.o.r.e.


Here's what's real...


Sometimes it's hard to know who is the codependent and who is the narcissist.


Sometimes it's difficult to discern who is the victim and who is the villain.


Sometimes it takes a moment to realize, "Shit, I'm being gaslighted... ah-gain!!"


And that's because two things are True...


#1 ~ True, blue, died in the wool destructive narcissists ARE codependent... as well as masters at playing the victim (and hero)...

In their distorted little Universe, they may be misunderstood...


But are NEVER to blame.... for anything... whatsoever... no matter what... under ANY circumstances.  Ever.  Period.


Trust me when I tell you that these people are VERY well defended against the kind of self-reflection required to have an honest look at the role THEY play in their own misery (and yours)... and therefore simply can not assume responsibility... for anything.  Ever.  Period. #justcantdoit


They work REAL hard at convincing.  Performing.  Playing the role.  So much so they're masters at it.  And thus, IF you don't know any better, and IF you haven't done your work... it can be real easy to be played.


#2 ~ Left untreated, codependency gets worse... MUCH worse... over time... NOT better.

In other words... highly progressed codependents can themselves be VERY narcissistic.


Although this doesn't necessarily make them an actual destructive narcissist, their emotional immaturity, grandiosity, colossal self-absorption, denial, and self-deception...


Their inability to feel, see or hear themselves realistically or with any real level of honesty, along with their inability to simply own their shit, ALL adds up to...


You're dealing with a person with narcissistic traits.  Maybe a lot of them.  It's called progression... of the 'dis-ease' of codependency.  Fascinating.  Sad.  And true.


Now here's the thing...


With the right healing and recovery work, you'll become more and more CLEAR... more and more able to discern, and... more and more bullet-proof over time.  #powerful #peace #freedom


Tired of being hurt? Tired of being confused? Tired of being duped?




And btw... IF you're questioning whether or not you're the narcissist... you're NOT the narcissist! A destructive narcissist would NEVER ask themselves THAT question.


REMEMBER:  On an unconscious level narcissistic people are VERY well defended against any real, genuine, and sincere self-reflection.   #constitutionalyincapable


With a heart full of Massive Love,
~ Tamie M xx


#knowyourvalue  #unlockyourfreedom

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