Dec 30, 2019

Crazy question, right?

But one worth considering, no?


Think about it…

We ALL come to this planet as perfect little humans in magical little bodies, fully connected to Source.  And what happens?


Due to the circumstances and environments, we find ourselves in, and the people we find ourselves in the care (and at the mercy) of…

We are conditioned and programmed

The same way our parents and caretakers were conditioned and programmed

The same way theirs were before them, and theirs before them…

Through pain and pleasure.  Punishment and reward.

And depending on the depth of unconsciousness of the tribe we were born into...

The severity of the pain and punishment we experienced may have far outweighed any experience of pleasure or reward.

In other words, the consistent and predictable love, acceptance, approval, validation, guidance, support, wise counsel and so on that we ALL deserve yet so few of us actually received.


So, as perfect little humans in magical little bodies, fully connected to Source, we begin to learn, very early on, that there is something inherently wrong with us.

If we don’t do what they want, when they want, the way they want

If we don’t BE who they expect, when they expect and how they expect

If we don’t obey their commands, follow their rules and jump through their hoops

We’ll be judged and criticized, rejected and penalized, often severely, and possibly even run the risk of being abandoned or abused, emotionally or otherwise.

And the Fear is born

And the Fear is real


BE what we tell you to be, NOT who YOU actually are… OR…

Run the risk of being rejected, hurt and possibly even cast out entirely.


So, we learn to ignore our own internal knowing and higher wisdom.

We disconnect from our authentic core, our truest self, our bright light, the seat of our Power…

All in an attempt to avoid the pain, the hurt, the rejection, and for many of us… the agony of outright abandonment.


And thus, we are taught, at a very early age to sell our Soul.


So today I ask you, WHO would you be IF you were never hurt?

Crazy question.  I know.

But play with me here.

Imagine for a moment…

Who would you be IF you had landed on a planet, in an environment, surrounded by a family who taught you love instead of fear?  Self-acceptance instead of rejection? Joy instead of pain?  ALL that is right with you instead of ALL that is wrong with you?

Who would you be?

Take a few moments to get still.

Put your hand on your heart and take a few deep breaths.

Go ALL the way back to the you who first incarnated, and imagine for a moment…

Who would you be today IF that perfect little you in the magical little body, fully connected to Source had actually never learned pain, fear, judgment, criticism, rejection or the agony of abandonment?

Begin to feel the Truth of who that Human is at your core

Your essence.

Now get out your journal and write out your answer.

THAT’S who you REALLY are at your core!  YOUR essence!!

And Friend, it’s time to reconnect with that you, the YOU that you REALLY are!


PS:  My 8-week transformational coaching program The Freedom Class is designed to get you there.  Click the link below for all the details.


CLICK HERE:  www.TamieMCoaching.com/tfc

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Click the link below to apply for a FREE Breakthrough Strategy Session with empowerment life coach Tamie M.


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