Apr 04, 2018

When you are an Empath it is critical to understand that you've been given the gift of intense emotion and the capacity for enormous, deep, great, big, huge Love. HUGE LOVE!!

Girl… Your ‘sensitivity' IS your Super Power! And that capacity for HUGE LOVE… that ain't for nothing!!

Like it or not we, empathic souls, process the world differently than your average civilian. Not better. Not worse. Not ‘special' – good or bad – Different!

We feel everything… DEEPLY. We know what we know because we KNOW… period. No need for explanations. No need for apologies. Nothing to be defended here. We just know.

We learn to stand for Truth! Until we do, we suffer.

Truth! That's our creed, our message, our mission. No matter the outcome. No matter the consequences. No matter the fall-out. It's where our Freedom is found, and kept. T.R.U.T.H.

Discernment is necessary. Boundaries are essential. Self-love is absofuckinglutely critical… for self-preservation and survival.

When you walk through this world as an empath… there's little to no barrier between you and ALL that intense and overwhelming sensory overload… so you BEST start learning the art of extreme self-care so you can get on with the business of your mission. Yes, that's right… your mission!!

YOU of ALL people did not come here to suffer. YOU of ALL people did not come here to be mediocre. You of ALL people did not come here to pay bills and die.

YOU of ALL people came here to make a difference! That's right. YOU!!

Oh, and by the way…

If you're an empath… who was raised in a dysfunctional family… welcome to the human race! For real.

The vast majority of us were… varying degrees, of course! But the Truth is dysfunction is the norm on this planet. Sad to say but true.

Don't believe me? Look around and tell yourself the Truth about what you see.

Now. The real question is… what are YOU going to do about that?!! Hmm.

Here's the thing…

~ You gotta STOP believing the lies you picked up along the way about who you are and who you arent' and what you can or can not do. Deep down you know how powerful you are. Stop hiding.

~ You gotta START seeing the enormity of your value and worth, for no other reason than the fact that you exist, you are here… you are… therefore you are worthy… you deserve! Period.

~ You gotta start seeing your gifts for what they are… GIFTS… to be used in the service of yourself AND in the service of others.

You came here for a reason. For a GREAT and wonderful and powerful mission.

So stop hiding out in that bullshit relationship, or that bullshit job, or that bullshit existence and START growing into the person you came here to BE.

You KNOW you are here for more! It's your time! Your time is now!!

~ Come into the light! Come into the light! Come into the light!!

PS: Reach out to me for a free strategy session if you're struggling. You don't have to do this alone!!

#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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