Nov 04, 2019

People ask me this ALL the time...

What EXACTLY is codependency anyway?!!

Here's my definition...

Codependency is fundamentally a break down in the relationship we have with ourselves first, usually stemming from childhood neglect, abuse, abandonment, and/or trauma, which then extends to the relationships we have with others, and causes us to be "codependent" on individuals who are an emotional, vibrational and energetic match to the original family of origin wounding or trauma.

It manifests in many different maladaptive and dysfunctional ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.

It can also progress to love-addition, which is an excruciatingly painful 'dis-ease' process causing us to literally be biochemically addicted to painful people.


It's the reason we return time and time and time again to people who hurt and/or abandon us and also the reason we look outside of ourselves to...

A) Get our needs met by others who are fundamentally incapable of meeting them and...

B) Find love... the love we really need to be generating from within, to begin with, in order to live happy, healthy lives.


It is also described as a "self-love deficit disorder" (a term coined by Dr. Ross Rosenberg), which I find to be very accurate as a big part of the solution and the healing process is learning to fully love ourselves unconditionally and then to live from that foundation of solid self-love and self-esteem.


The other important thing to know is that left untreated...


Codependency gets worse, NEVER better over time, just like any other addictive process.


Think you might be codependent?  Click the link to book your free strategy session and let's have a chat!!


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