Mar 11, 2018

Have you ever asked yourself, “What TF is wrong with me?”

I know I did… for years… until I finally found myself in a place, many years ago now, where I was SO sick and tired of my life not working the way I knew it should, the way I knew it could…

That I became willing to do the work… to figure it out… to figure me out… and let me tell you… work it was.

In short what I learned was this…

What was ‘wrong' with me was what had happened to me. Period.

What was wrong with me was that I had spent decades running from the truth and running from the pain and running from the past and running from myself… running… from what had happened… ALL that had happened.

I used travel to run. I used partying to run. I used fitness to run. I used men to run. I used shopping to run. I used work to run. I used books to run. I even used church and personal development to run.

I was so confused… and afraid… and in pain… running.

I just could not figure out why TF I could not get my life to work. Why couldn't I earn great money consistently? Why did I struggle so much in my relationships? Why did I attract one narcissist after another into my life? Why couldn't I attract healthy love? Why did I work so hard to create a great life for myself and then… just when things were running smoothly… I'd sabotage it all?

“Why Goddammit? What TF is wrong with me?!!”

The answers my Friend were in what had happened to me.


This is NOT about making excuses for our mistakes and shitty behavior, and it's certainly NOT about living our life as a victim and in blame…

Although if you do the real work, sooner or later you will have to play pin the tail on the donkey… but that's another conversation for another day.

It's about the truth and the TRUTH IS this…

Many of us at some point in our lives, usually early on, have been victimized… by others who had themselves been victimized… often severely.

Hurt people hurt people. This sh*t ain't rocket science. And it's a major problem in our world… and we need to wake up now. We need to start telling ourselves and others the truth… and we need to heal.

Forgiveness is key, yes, but forgiving BEFORE we've done our own work, processed our pain, honored and learned to love ourselves…

THAT, my Friend, is putting the effing cart before the horse… and it DOES NOT work! Not if you want to live a healthy, happy, peace-filled Life… living fully into all of your God-given potential.

There is a time and a place for forgiveness… but understand that it IS NOT step one! Anyone who tells you it is just doesn't have a clue. Go find someone who does.

Trust me. I know. I tried it that way for many years and the truth is… I got sicker and sicker.
Believe me when I tell you that you have to…

Honor YOU first… Love YOU first, and at the very least BEGIN the process of healing YOU FIRST…

THEN do the important work of forgiveness. Not the other way 'round Hun.

Here's the thing…

Pretending that the sh*it that happened to you didn't happen, sweeping it all under the rug, trying to mentally bully yourself into a place of being highly productive and high functioning without having taken the time to do your healing work AIN'T EVER GONNA GET YOU WHERE YOU WANT TO GO!!

Stop asking yourself what is wrong with you and start looking at what happened to you. Tell yourself and others the truth but DON'T STOP THERE…

Go find the people, the places, the things that will help you do the real work to… HEAL YOUR SHIT… so you can be FREE and HAPPY and at PEACE!! Living out ALL that you dream of!!

You are worthy! You DESERVE!! ~ ALL that you dream of!!

Come into the light Come into the light! Come into the light!

Believe me when I tell you…

The view is F*cking FABULOUS from here!!

With a heart full of massive Love ~ Tamie M

#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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