Jan 13, 2020

Do you feel stuck?

If you're anything like I was for a very long time you've been on a quest seeking answers and therefore filling your head with a ton of knowledge and information... which is great!

Knowledge is without question power and we can use that knowledge as a starting point to make some much-needed changes in our lives.



IF you're anything like I was for a very long time you're finding, however, that in spite of having a head full of knowledge and ALL kinds of "information" you're STILL stuck, and STILL living out certain painful patterns on repeat.  Why?


Well, it's simple...

Codependency and Narcissistic Abuse recovery require healing



The Truth is we don't heal in our heads.

Healing requires more than just taking on board information.

Again, information is power and without question a great place to start.


IF we want to truly heal though

We're going to need more (much more) than just a head full of knowledge and information.


We’re going to need processes, practices, tools, strategies, and techniques that take us out of our heads and down into our hearts


You know, that place we're often SO terrified to go

Because by going there we’d actually have to feel... ALL of it.

And the prospect of feeling ALL of it is precisely why we're so comfortable staying stuck in our heads.


Our head is safe

We're smart

It serves us… always has… always will…

Or so we think.


The Truth is many of us stay stuck in our heads because we think we can “think” our way out of our problems and our pain and the challenging circumstances and relationships we find ourselves in.



How's that working for you?

I know it didn't get me very far.

As “smart” as I was, I kept spinning in circles, attracting the same kind of empathy-deficient, destructive, and harmful people and relationships into my life year after year.

And in spite of my best efforts and a head full of "knowledge” my life continued to become progressively more unmanageable and difficult.

In other words, things continued to get worse (not better) over time.


And here’s what’s True…

NOTHING really began to change for me until I put myself in a position to get out of my head, come down into my heart, feel my feelings, ALL of them... and begin the process and journey of healing. And it IS a journey.


IF you “know” a lot and STILL feel stuck

IF you’re tired of the pain, the struggle, the confusion, drama, and chaos

IF that “head full of knowledge” isn’t getting you where you really want to be

It might be time to begin your healing journey

And my 8-week transformational coaching program is just the thing to get you there!!


Click the link below to book your free strategy session and let’s get you out of your head, into your heart, and finally moving in the direction of your BEST life as your BEST self!!

You DON’T have to stay stuck a.n.y.m.o.r.e!

Big Love, 
~ Tamie M xx

#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom


CLICK HERE:  www.TamieM.com/strategycall

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Click the link below to apply for a FREE Breakthrough Strategy Session with empowerment life coach Tamie M.


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