Mar 05, 2018

“Getting toxic people out of our lives is a decision. It requires courage.” ~ Les Brown

TOXIC can show up in many, many ways…

It's difficult to Love ourselves and believe in ourselves and play full out while going after our Dreams IF…

We are continuously exposing ourselves to negative, insecure people who lack respect, who lack boundaries, are passive aggressive, rigid, controlling, unreasonably and unnecessarily defensive, insecure, jealous, critical, judgmental, dishonest and/or diminishing us in any way, on any level… whether that be to our face OR by gossiping about us behind our back. We know. We always know!!

ANY combination of the above should be downright unacceptable! Period!! NOT even open for negotiation… end of story!!

We set the standard. We decide what we allow, put up with, tolerate…

Look, when we were kids we didn't have a choice… and for many of us… what we were taught to accept was a far cry from Love… a far cry from what we needed to be emotionally secure, healthy and Happy… and a VERY far cry from what we deserved for sure!!

But here's the thing…

We're NOT KIDS anymore… and if we're still putting up with the same crap in our adult lives we were forced to endure when we were small and powerless to choose… then IT'S TIME to make some changes. It's time to take our power back!! We're adults now. We CAN choose!!

Here's what that can sound like…

“It's a new day! I deserve BETTER! I will not accept, allow or tolerate the unacceptable. I LOVE ME waaaayyyyyy too much, so step up or be on your merry way now.”

You have the right you know… no matter WHO IT IS!!

Life is hard enough without all the excess and unnecessary bullshit, pain, and drama.

Have the COURAGE to set the standard and teach people how to treat you… and mean it!!

I promise when you do so, the folks who truly belong in your life, WANT to be in your life, will step up. The wrong people will disappear into the ethers making room for the right ones will show up.

AND THAT my Friends is a Beautiful thing. But it's up to us!!

SO walk away! Walk away! Walk away! From ANYONE who attempts to diminish you in any way!


DECIDE, RIGHT NOW… TODAY… that you WILL NOT tolerate ANYONE treating you with disrespect… NO MATTER WHO IT IS!!

Decide, right now… today… to draw a line in the sand. It's a NEW day!!

Make your Life a ZERO TOLERANCE ZONE for toxicity… and watch the MAGIC begin to happen!!

#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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