Dec 16, 2019

This time of year can be especially HARD for SO many!! 


Why?  Because "family" isn't always ALL it's chalked up to be, now is it?!!


Here's a little REALITY CHECK for you, as you enter this Holiday Season...


Things to consider where "family" are concerned and ALL the "obligation" so many of you struggle with at this time of year...


#1: It's NOT because they're "family" that they get a special pass when it comes to exploiting, demeaning, diminishing, devaluing, or hurting you!


Nor do they get a pass when it comes to manipulating, guilt-tripping, using or abusing you!!


In ANY way! On ANY level! Under ANY circumstances... EVER!!


No matter WHO they are!! 


Now, let's be clear: Whether it takes place behind your back OR when you're standing right there in the room...


It's a NEW day...


Soon to be a NEW year...


And they don't get to do THAT to YOU a.n.y.m.o.r.e.


#2: It's NOT because they're "family" that you have to join in the pretense...


Acting AS IF the criticism, the judgment, the gossip, the envy, contempt, and all too often seething disdain...


That YOU FULLY SENSE AND FEEL... aren't real.


If you FEEL it... it's REAL!!


You can Trust that shit, tell yourself the Truth, and make healthy decisions accordingly.


#3: It's NOT because they're "family" that they get to run hot and cold and hot and cold and hot and cold again and again and again...


Depending on their mood at any given moment, on any given day, or whichever way the wind happens to be blowing right now...


And THEN have the NERVE to EXPECT YOU to dance to the beat of THEIR Jeckle and Hyde drum. #itstopsnow


You only get to run hot and cold with ME so often before I'm out. It's over. End of conversation.




Because I've learned to tell myself the Truth, Love myself fully and Respect myself entirely.  #loveandrespectyourself


#4: It's NOT because they're "family" that they get to SAY whatever they like, in your absence OR to your face...


And STILL get to enjoy the benefit of a relationship with you. #knowyourvalue


Here's what's True...


IF they pull this shit with you... they're NOT safe.


IF they'll lie to you, or about you, diminish and demean you... they're NOT safe.


IF they're NOT safe... THEY ARE NOT SAFE‼️


No matter how old, how young, or whom they happen to be in the hierarchy of the freaking family tree!!


Storytellers, liars and perception manipulators come in ALL shapes, sizes, genders, and ages!!


Kids learn what they are taught... by example... year in and year out!!


👉 So IF their "role models" and top influencers are toxic gossip addicts and insecure, lying, envy riddled perception manipulators...


Guess what those kids are learning... and sadly, SO often emulating?!! 


Trust what your BODY is telling you!!


Trust what you SEE, HEAR, AND FEEL!!


IF you FEEL it... you know it!


IF you FEEL it... It's True for you!  Period!!


đźš© Let me say that again...


IF you SEE it and HEAR it and FEEL it... it IS definitely True for you!!


Telling yourself the Truth is the first step to extreme self-care... and THAT my Friend is YOUR j.o.b.



Give yourself the gift of Peace of mind and Peace heart!!

Give yourself the gift of self-love and self-care!!

This begins with fully Trusting and Honoring what you FEEL...

Then deciding to LOVE YOURSELF enough to detach and go for what's in your best interest and highest good instead!! ❤️


Give yourself the GIFT!!

You are SO worth it!! 


Sending you BIG Love,
~ Tamie M xx


#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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