May 22, 2020

STOP projecting your high-empathy nature onto people who continue to demonstrate their colossal lack of conscience and genuine concern for you and others!!

It may be an ugly Truth to accept but it's Truth none the less.

Denial serves no good purpose... short or long term.


It simply keeps us STUCK and SICK...


Individually and collectively.

Here's the thing...

There are those who walk this planet who DO NOT carry your heart, your love, your empathy, your compassion, or conscience. Period.

Some of these people are your garden variety, personality disordered, destructive narcissists causing pain, and wreaking havoc in your life IF you let them.

Others are Super Sociopaths in places of influence and power

😷 Masquerading as the good guys...

Running full-blown, years-long, smear campaigns (among other things) with the full-time help of the msm...

Because someone may be getting in the way of the advancement of their deeply sinister agenda(s).

Like it or not folks, groups of people DO conspire.

Like it or not folks, evil does exist.

Entitled beyond what the majority of us can fathom

They are fully capable of doing and saying things that would NEVER occur to you as being even remotely possible.

To say that they are wired differently would be an understatement of epic proportions.

So STOP judging others by your own yardstick and what YOU would and would not do...

And START discerning what's True.

We have to drop the assumption that

>> "that" << would never happen


>> "they" << would never do that

Simply because "we" don't operate that way.

We cannot heal what we do not acknowledge.

Individually... and collectively.

True story.

Big love,
~ Tamie M xx

#allhandsondecknow #knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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