Jul 18, 2019

The problem with folks who spend a lot of time and energy talking about others in their absence is they don't stop to think long enough to realize that these people talk too.


When they give a slanted, distorted, or half-truth version of what's really gone on... they don't stop to think that the blanks will be filled in... sooner or later...


Often by their own consistent and predictable attitudes and behavior...


Their never-ending and ongoing drama, chaos, and problems.


Sooner or later it ALL comes back... full circle...


And people worth their salt see it... ALL of it... for what it is.


When you find yourself hearing one side of the story, try to remember there's another side.


Ask yourself, why it's SO important for this person to be influencing your perception of another? #allthelivelongday


Portraying themselves as the victim... or the hero...


But NEVER EVER with ANY level of responsibility for the part they play...


Their own contribution.


It's a game of provoke and blame... and lie and shame... and provoke and blame some more.


So here's the thing...


When someone talks out of school to you about e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. else in their life... know that you're not special, Hun.


They're talking about you, in your absence... to them... too!! #obviousno?


Here's what's True...


Insecure people LOVE to be in the know!


They LOVE to be the ones with the "information"... even if that "information" is twisted as all get out!!


See it for what it is and choose to hold yourself to a much higher standard!! #bebetter #bemore


There's nothing LOVING about gossip.


There's nothing SELF-LOVING about constantly playing the victim, lying by omission, deflecting your part, and spinning bullshit in order to manipulate the perceptions of others... usually... a.n.y.o.n.e. who will listen.


Actual healing, real recovery, and dirt honest self-love in action looks like this...


It's ALL about being REAL... being HONEST...


OWING your shit... OWNING your part...


And growing the fuck up!!


It's time to grow up now!!


PS: Tough Love is STILL Love!


#growyourself #knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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