May 10, 2018

I'm a BIG believer in and Lover of the Law of Attraction! There's NO question that this is a Universal law and absolutely how our world works whether we know it or not and whether we believe in it or not. It just is. #fact

That said, when it comes to managing our vibration…

I've learned that there is a HUGE difference between recognizing painful feelings for what they are and why they're there…

AND labeling them ‘negative' and pushing them aside.

In my experience, this is where many people get off track when it comes to consciously creating and attracting the Life they'd really rather be living.

Avoiding, suppressing, ignoring and/or denying the feelings that we (or others) deem to be ‘negative' in an attempt to be and feel ‘positive' so we can ‘hopefully' attract what we want into our lives is delusional, unhealthy and quite frankly…


If you think it does, look at your life and tell yourself the Truth about the results you're getting. Is it working?

AND… IF you're wondering why the LOA isn't working for you, THIS is may be why.

The Truth is this one very common error can do A LOT of damage and keep us stuck and sick unnecessarily for a loooong time!!

I know. In my naivety and ignorance, I did it too. Until…

I became so crippled by the so-called ‘negative' feelings I was refusing to feel or face that I was left with only two choices…

1) Continue to suffer (and I do mean s.u.f.f.e.r.)…


2) Surrender, acknowledge and begin to feel my feelings, one step at a time with the help and support of some Fabulous and SAFE people!!

Thankfully, I chose the latter and this was the pivotal point where EVERYTHING began to change in my Life!

Look, I'm ALL for choosing Happy and positive! I do it every day, all day long!! 

But if there's one thing I've learned it's this…

Feeling so-called negative feelings can be the MOST positive, productive, useful, informative, and HEALING thing we can do for ourselves! Truly!!

While NOT feeling so-called negative feelings can be one of the most crippling, unhealthy and destructive things we can DO ‘TO' OURSELVES! Truly!!

There are few things more unhealthy and damaging, in particular to our wounded Inner Child than to pretend to not feel what we're feeling.

By-passing the Truth of our Soul which shows up in how we FEEL is NEVER a good idea! Anyone who tells you otherwise is NOT SAFE and needs to be avoided.

We FEEL what we FEEL for a reason… often VERY important reasons… and the shortest road to our Happiest and Healthiest Life begins when we start to pay attention to what we're REALLY feeling and why!!

As Esther and Abraham say, “Our feelings are our internal guidance system.”

SO! Want to change your life? Start paying attention to, acknowledging, honoring and telling yourself the Truth about what you feel…

What YOUR ‘internal guidance' is telling you!!

It NEVER lies!!

Friends, we don't have to stay stuck there but we do have to FEEL IT TO HEAL IT!

In my humble opinion, there really is no other way.

Feel your feelings. ALL of them!! 

Light and Love,

~ Tamie M xx

#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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