Apr 09, 2021

Let’s be honest!  Being in close proximity to a person with a covert narcissist personality disorder can be draining beyond belief.  Covert narcissists are, without question, energy vampires!


👇👇👇 Click the link below 

To watch my latest video and learn how to protect yourself from draining covert narcissism in relationships!

CLICK HERE:  https://youtu.be/iXFGrlSjIbw


The truth is, the covert narcissist in your life can and will siphon your vital life force energy from your very being IF you let them. 

In this video, I explain draining covert narcissism in relationships so you never miss the covert narcissist signs again. 

You may be enduring emotional manipulation from your covert narcissist mother, gaslighting from your covert narcissist wife, deception from your covert narcissist husband, or hoovering from your covert narcissist father.   

In addition, the damage done by a covert narcissist parent can be catastrophic.  We pay a serious price for long-term exposure to people who land on the spectrum of destructive covert narcissism, in particular, if that exposure began when we were very young.

Either way, covert narcissism in relationships is destructive and expensive on a number of levels.  

People who land on the spectrum of covert narcissism wreak tremendous emotional, psychological, physical, and financial destruction on their chosen targets.


What’s worse is, covert narcissist hoovering tactics know no bounds.  

Your best bet, in so much as you are able, will always be absolute radio silence… no response, no questions, no defense.


👇👇👇 Click the link below 

To watch my latest video and learn how to protect yourself from draining covert narcissism in relationships!

CLICK HERE:  https://youtu.be/iXFGrlSjIbw


~ Tamie M 


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