May 06, 2019

There seems to be an ongoing debate about whether or not these humans with empathy deficiency and lack of conscience actually suffer?


Here are my thoughts on the matter...


I believe they do suffer.


Perhaps not as you and I would, but they do.


Their lack of conscience and inability to experience and thus display appropriate levels of empathy may make it look otherwise...


But think about it...


Going through life carrying the levels of pain and toxicity that these people do....


Projecting it the way they do...


However unconscious ALL of that may be...


CAN NOT be an easy way to go through life. 


They manifest ALL manner of pain, dysfunction, chaos, and drama, not to mention physical ailments and 'dis-ease' on every level of their experience as a result of their deeply buried, and unresolved pain, issues, wounds, and trauma.


Despite delusions of grandeur and epic performances, they are without question incredibly insecure and completely fear-based individuals.


How painless can that possibly be?!!


Healthy, decent, and genuinely loving people worth having around ultimately have no choice but to avoid them like the plague for self-preservation.


So the reality is they can only really have deep in denial patsies and enabling minions...


Or equally toxic and destructive manipulators in their circle...


And their chosen targets of course...


But only UNTIL the target begins to wake up and starts moving towards healthy themselves.


Their circle is sick... it can be no other way.


Further, as Humanity continues to awaken from its deep and pervasive denial, and more and more people are on to them...


More and more people are either walking away or calling out their appalling and abusive behavior for what it is... or both.


And yes, these awakening people become the next target for sure...


But having to always have a target to project your unresolved pain, self-hate, and trauma onto, and ALL the destruction and devastation that causes... is without question a sick and thus painful way to go through life.


So yes, in my opinion... they suffer.


And I feel for them... from a distance!!


DISTANCE being the operative word there. 


Because life's too short to spend it swimming in denial, perpetually exposed to, affected by, and/or on the receiving end of noxious attitudes and toxic, abusive behaviors.


THE SOLUTION? Love yourself!! âť¤ď¸Ź


Do the hard work to step out of denial and heal.


Be willing to tell yourself and others the uncomfortable and unpopular Truth as you live it, see it, and feel it...


Or silently walk away and get back to living your BEST, Happiest, and most Peace-filled life.


Whatever's most appropriate for you.


Here's the thing...


One Soul at a time making this their primary focus serves to raise the awareness and thus the consciousness of the planet and contributes to the mass awakening of Humanity. #youarethatimportant #nosmalltask


Do what is in your Highest Good and let the ripple effects of that Great Good have its impact on our world. It will. #promise


Big Love,
~ Tamie M xx


#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom



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