Apr 08, 2018
What YOU want matters!! 
And it's fully your job and your responsibility to make sure the desires of your heart are fulfilled.
Heres's a Fun Fact...
The word De-Sire is derived from Latin meaning “of the Father.”
Meaning that it is from Spirit/God/Creator/Source (whomever you speak to) that the DESIRES OF OUR HEART originate to begin with.
Therefore, we can know and trust and rest assured that there is a sacred aspect to our desires!! For real!!
Get that? Sacred!! 
Not selfish. Not greedy. Not arrogant. Not misguided or delusional! None of that shit!!
Your TRUE heart-felt desires come from a sacred place deep within you!! Know it! Own it! Honor it!!
Here's the thing…
That strong impulse to have something, do something, be something, achieve something, LIVE and experience something…
THAT strong impulse…
Is actually the “something” that is already in you, seeking to express itself through YOU!!
In other words…
The desires of your heart are there for a reason… a BIG reason… it's not for nothing, so STOP second-guessing yourself!
Those desires are the clues, the silent whispering, the knowing, the aching, the longing…
Edging you, inching you, guiding you towards the Life you are meant to be living!!
You are not here by accident. You came with a mission. You came with a purpose!! Yes, that's right… YOU!!
Don't ignore that voice… that knowing… that call. It matters. YOU matter!!
Your Life matters!
Your divine purpose matters!!
It's there on purpose. It's there for a reason!!
It's where your deepest Happiness and BLISS reside!!
It's where your greatest contribution to the planet lives!!
It's where your peace and abundance are too!!
~ Go get it!!
With a heart full of massive Love.
~ Tamie M xx
#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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