Dec 02, 2019
Having spent far too long wrapped up in seeking the approval of folks who didn't then, do not now, never have, never will... have it to give, I can tell you this...
IF you do your work... you eventually GET CLEAR... and let that shit go.
Here's what I know for sure...
The only thing that REALLY matters is whether or not "I like me" ... whether or not "I love me" ... whether or not "I approve of me"
And once I've done THAT work...
There I stand, on SOLID ground. 
As for the opinions of those who think they know... whatever!!
As for the opinions of professional critics and gossip addicts...
You know...
Those who spend their ENTIRE lives looking, searching, seeking...
👉 To find fault... ANY fault...
Rather than the good... rather than the gold.
Constantly and forever judging, criticizing, diminishing and demeaning...
Like it's a full-time job...
And worse yet... teaching their kids to do the same! #appalling
They model what you DO not what you say!!
Here's what's True...
Some people struggle SO HARD with liking and accepting and approving of themselves...
They simply do not have anything to give in terms of approval or validation or genuine kindness, authentic love or real acceptance of others.
And there they are, routinely anesthetizing themselves...
By deliberately seeking to find ANY flaw or sign of inferiority with those around them. #anythingwilldo
Judging, criticizing, embellishing, and selectively omitting...
As if it were a sport! #thatsnotnice
👉 Here's how it sounds...
"As long as I'm busy judging you from my limited perspective and with the tiny bit of information that I have, I don't have to look at me, feel me, or ever get REAL or HONEST about what's actually going on with me."
THAT's fundamentally how the story goes. #feelbetterboo
And IF that weren't enough (it never is), they'll gather the troops!!
Every chance they get!! 
👉 Here's how THAT sounds...
"Let me influence how "they" see you too, cause you know... that matters!!" #lol
And let's be REAL...
Some of us make better targets than others.
✔️ Do you have an opinion? You're a target.
✔️ Do you march to the beat of your own drum? You're a target.
✔️ Do you display more courage than the average Joe? You're a target.
✔️ Do you refuse to be influenced by their petty opinions and nonsensical bullshit? You're a target.
✔️ Do you have the balls to do things differently, stand out, shine bright, help others? You're definitely a target.
✔️ Do you see through their phony nonsense? Are you on to them?!! You're SO going to be a target!!
✔️ Do you stand strong, independent of their acceptance, approval or validation? You're a target.
✔️ Do you have a different perspective? Maybe a grander view? You're a target.
✔️ Do you carry an abundance of genuine joy, self-love, confidence, and self-esteem? You're a target.
✔️ Is it clear you're nobody's puddle or pushover and couldn't give a flying fuck what they think, do or say? Oh, Honey! You're a first-class target!!
✔️ Do you ROCK the boat with your high-vibing Soul and oh so Powerful essence?!!
DUCK! Or better yet... Stop, Drop and Roll, Baby!! And FAST!!
đź‘‘ My suggestion is this...
Stay away from toxic people who can't come up with anything more interesting or intelligent to talk about than what they think they know about you, your life, or anyone else's for that matter.
Do NOT kid yourself...
IF they'll do it with you or in front of you, they're doing it to you... the moment you leave the room!!
Stay away from insecure, narrow-minded, mean spirited people who'll take the most innocent comment (or anything else you do or say) and twist, turn, and distort it for the mere pleasure of making you look or sound bad to others. #wowza
Surround yourself with people who routinely look for the good and the great in you.
You know it's there and I know it's there. If they can't see it... fuck them and move on!!
Surround yourself with people who inspire you to become more of that good and that great... and you surely will!!
Avoid people whose attitudes and behavior are a great, big, huge indication that their self-esteem is in the toilet. It is.
And People... for goodness sake...
Don't believe EVERYTHING you hear!!
ALWAYS consider the source...
And ask yourself, "Gee. I wonder why it's SO important to this person that I know "that" about the other?"
And more importantly...
Have the courage and self-reflection to ask yourself...
"I wonder why I'm in such a hurry to believe "this" about that person when the Truth is I really don't know?"
👉 Do I feel inferior in some way?
👉 Am I threatened in some way?
👉 Are envy, jealousy, fear and insecurity character defects I possess and need to work on?
👉 Get HONEST with yourself!!
❌ Don't use perceived shortcomings in others as a salve for your own lack of self-worth and self-esteem.
Heal your shit and BE BETTER!
You are BETTER!  Own it!!
With a heart full of massive Love,
~ Tamie M xx
#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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