Apr 02, 2021

Two common questions regarding gaslighting are:

#1:  “What exactly is gaslighting?”  ... and...

#2:  “Is gaslighting emotional abuse?” 

👇👇👇 Click the link below 

To watch my latest video and learn the actual meaning of gaslighting, in addition to the consequences of long-term exposure to gaslighting behavior:



The truth is, gaslighting emotional abuse and manipulation is a very real and all too common thing, whether you’re struggling with a gaslighting narcissist, your gaslighting parent, gaslighting at work, or your gaslighting mother-in-law.


Signs of gaslighting aren’t always easy to spot, however.

In this video, you’ll find gaslighting explained in a frank and dirt-honest way you may not have heard before.  Basically, I call it out for exactly what it is and as usual, I pull no punches.

By the end of this video, you’ll have a much deeper understanding of the painful, detrimental, and lasting emotional and psychological consequences of long-term gaslighting in relationships.  You’ll hear a specific gaslighting example or two, including gaslighting phrases.

Be sure to watch until the end where I explain the solution and exactly how to stop gaslighting in a relationship.  


👇👇👇 Click the link below 

To watch my latest video and learn the actual meaning of gaslighting, in addition to the consequences of long-term exposure to gaslighting behavior:




~ Tamie M

#knowyourvalue  #unlockyourfreedom

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