Sep 16, 2020

To say that being the black sheep fo the family is excruciatingly painful for the person who is being targeted as the black sheep (otherwise knows as the family scapegoat) is a massive understatement.

​Sadly, this is a far more common form of emotional abuse in a dysfunctional and toxic family system than most people realize.


👇👇👇 Click the link below

To watch my latest video and learn 6 powerful strategies to put an end to the scapegoating FOREVER!

​​CLICK HERE:  https://youtu.be/Pl2apgKO0EA


The truth is, dysfunctional family survival roles are commonplace in dysfunctional family dynamics, including the scapegoat child and the family scapegoat (or black sheep).


That said, family scapegoating patterns are easy to recognize once you understand the dysfunctional family dynamics at play and learn to recognize the family scapegoat signs used to single out and target the black sheep of the family. This is particularly true if you were raised in a family riddled with destructive narcissism and therefore, narcissistic abuse.


Rest assured, narcissistic abuse healing, and recovery from the effects of having been the family scapegoat, along with healing and recovery from codependency and being codependent are possible.


In this video, we go on a deep dive discussion covering 6 powerful strategies you can begin to implement today to put an end to your being the family scapegoat, or black sheep of the family FOREVER!


👇👇👇 Click the link below

To watch my latest video and learn 6 powerful strategies to stop the scapegoating FOREVER!

​CLICK HERE:  https://youtu.be/Pl2apgKO0EA


>> Now here's what's cool... once you know...


You can put an end to the abuse... and start living your best life as your BEST self!!


Don't forget to "subscribe" and hit that bell to get notified when I post new videos throughout the week!!

Big love,
~ Tamie M xx


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